Saturday, December 04, 2010

the unconscious mind reveals itself

When I was eleven, I developed a phobia about being buried alive. Freud said that the fear of being buried alive is a distorted desire to return to the womb, but my friend Louise who was schitzophrenic said that obviously it’s the fear of being out of anyone’s reach and beyond their concern.


Mercina said...

Thank you for moving past the psycho-babble!

Jessica said...

My great uncle was schizophrenic (he died quite some years ago, unmarried, no children) Learing about psychological and behavioural disorders, mental disturbance and of course, sexual theories (Freud) in A-Level psychology lessons was somewhat interesting; it fascinated me on all levels and continues to do so. A particularly engaging and startling subject. But, to have it more widely acknowledged and learnt about will hopefully and eventually erase some of the stigma attached to living with a mental illness. Just think of how many people suffer from anorexia nervosa alonse, for example?

Thank-you for highlighting this issue even if I have, perhaps drifted from the path! Hope your sister is well.

Follow me at: Look forward to the next post. Intersting reads so far. x