I know everyone is wondering why the heck I hardly ever blog here anymore. Is it because all my blogging is directed towards my witty, new pit bull site, www.peteywasapitbull.blogspot.com?
Nope. A while back I set up an RSS feed on Amazon, so whatever I blogged here wound up on the Amazon pages that sell my books. So suddenly I thought I could only write if I had say something interesting and smart to say about writing. I had to say something that would make the person reading it inclined to buy a book. And then, there's the voting thing. What is with voting in this country? People don't vote for their elected officials, but they vote for the next American idol. They vote to kick someone off the island or out of the Big Brother House. They vote on netflix. How many stars? And on Amazon. They vote for restaurants and hotels. Is it so that we feel like we are in charge of something? At any rate, on Amazon, people rate your blog entries. Geesh.
Today I figured out how to delete the RSS feed so now it's just you and me, privately. I don't have to try to sell books and you don't have to tell me if you found this interesting or not.
This is what Man Ray says about criticism: if you don't like something, walk away from it.
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