Wednesday, June 27, 2007

science fiction

I'm reading a science fiction novel for my book group. Usually we read international novels. We went through a long Middle Eastern phase. We read several Turkish novels. We read several Indian books. We also read Faulkner. This month it's science fiction though. Science fiction is the only thing my son reads. I was telling him tonight that what I don't like is reading descriptions of a world that someone has made up. I skim those parts, to get to the conversations, then I spend the whole novel wondering, where the heck are we? are we on an island? a space ship? or what? My son says that I have no imagination, that's my problem.
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Strayer said...

I love Faulkner! While I Lay Dying....funny book!

leftedge suzy said...

Faulkner is my sister's favorite author. She's smarter than I am.