Tracy told me apologetically that she read my first book, and she could hardly put it down. She said she didn't usually read trashy novels.
I beg your pardon.
Well, in the first place, you never have to apologize to a writer for not being able to put her book down.............but is she right? Is my book a trashy novel? When people ask about it, I say it's a story about character and place. It's about families and about what people want or think they want. It's about bigotry and small towns, about desire and love and figuring out what matters, it's about what happens to someone whose desires are at odds with her own self interest, someone whose most authentic act is infidelity.
(My mother, bless her heart, tells people that my publisher made me put the sex in there, so the book would sell.)
What makes a novel trashy?
If the answer is sex, then Updike, De Lillo, Roth and their lauded, respected ilk are all writing trashy novels.
To me, a trashy novel has no nutritional value, no sustenance. Maybe it's fun, maybe it isn't, but it's basically in one eye and out the other. (The most famous trash-mongress I can think of is Janet Evanovich.) Like junk food, trashy novels will always sell.
But your novels have too much content to qualify as trashy.
not trashy
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