Sunday, October 29, 2006

Veterans Against Torture

I've been looking for an email address for Salem, Oregon poet, Geronimo Tagatac, so that I could ask permission to publish one of his poems here. Geronimo Tagatac is a poet with more to offer than simply the best name I've ever heard.
I didn't find an address for him, but I did find a petition that he signed for a group called Veterans Against Torture. If you're a veteran, maybe you'd like to sign it.

Friday, October 27, 2006

strip show

When I was a kid in South Carolina we used to go to the fair, and there was a dead baby stand, with fetuses floating upside down in formaldehyde, and freak shows and there were strip show booths. There were strippers standing right out in front, urging people to come inside. One time my friend Donna Rafferty and I went into one of the strip show booths. We were two 12 year old Catholic girls, and we went inside and sat on metal folding chairs surrounded by sailors. But then a man came out on the stage and announced that the electricity had gone off, so they couldn’t have a strip show just then. He did, however, have pieces of paper for sale and if you put them in water, he said, you’d see something. Donna and I bought one of these and took it home, but when we put it in water we didn’t see anything.